Winter Sermon Series

Followers of Jesus can learn so much about life with God today by looking back at Old Testament heroes of faith. We find, time and again, that God uses imperfect, messy people - and that these "heroes" make mistakes, learn over and over again to trust in God, and grow spiritually in anything but a straight line. In fact, they are a LOT like us! In this series, we'll dive deep into the life of the patriarch Jacob in Genesis 25-35.

Jacob might seem like the last person you'd expect God to choose to lead His redemptive plan for humanity.  In author Chad Bird's words, Jacob was a "trickster, liar, and selfishly ambitious man who fathers children with four women and leads a dysfunctional family rife with jealousy and backstabbing." And yet despite (or maybe because of) his flaws, struggles, failures, and weaknesses, Jacob is relatable to us.  And through the life of this rascal, we also see the God who loves us and chooses us as His own.